Watercolor sketching «Nostalgia»

16 paintings, 20 new watercolor effects, motivation and secret techniques from Ivan Kryukov

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Course teacher Ivan Kryukov

I invite you on a creative date - to immerse yourself in the world of fond memories and vivid emotions.

We will learn to enjoy the process of drawing and create happiness inside with the help of special subjects and watercolor magic.

The course is suitable for the beginners and will be of interest to those who already used to paint.

Start training immediately after payment

Lifetime access to the course

Paint online from anywhere

Telegram community support

I am sure that you will definitely succeed!

My students joke that I can teach to draw even a dog!

I confirm :)

But seriously, my super-power is to explain the drawing process in such a way that:

  • You got a beautiful drawing
  • You developed a set of skills allowing you to draw anything on your own
  • Taking the course brought pleasure and joy without unnecessary difficulties and fears that you will not be able to or it will turn out ugly

Course program

Lesson 1 «Introductory Lesson»

Acquaintance. Basic information on the personal account and recommendations for completing the course

Lesson 2 «Next, we define point A»

Most of all, students are motivated by personal progress. In this lesson, we draw on a free topic

Lesson 3 «The Swing »

Duration: 1 h 31 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Work with drafting ink and quill
  • Draw silhouettes of a tree and a person
  • Work with washes and gradients
  • Quickly and beautifully draw the sunset sky

Lesson 4 «The Old Door»

Duration: 1 h 56 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • To draw the surface of the water
  • To convey the texture of an ancient building
  • To depict the peeling paint, a shabby door

Lesson 5 «Landscape with Lavender»

Duration: 1 h 30 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Quickly draw lush foliage
  • Draw clouds
  • Convey distant mountains in a haze
  • Form architectural objects in the perspective

Lesson 6 «How to draw it?»

A separate lesson on how to analyze the reference to master the skills of independent drawing.

Lesson 7 «Morning at the Summer House: Apples »

Duration: 1 h 37 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Draw the texture of the wood
  • Transfer unexpected colors and shades in familiar objects to paper with the help of watercolor
  • Draw round dishes and circles in perspective in general

Lesson 8 «Hippie Mobile: A Journey to Youth»

Duration: 1 h 46 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Work with a limited number of colors
  • Form a symmetrical object in the perspective
  • You'll learn how to draw a spot separately from the outline.

Lesson 9 «In the Village at Grandma's»

Duration: 1 h 35 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Draw bright sunlight
  • Convey the space
  • Work with planes.

Lesson 10 «The Scent of a Summer Morning »

Duration: 1 h 54 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Depict white objects
  • Draw steam with hillshade
  • Convey glossy textures

Lesson 11 «What to do if you want to draw, but you don't have an inspiration?»

It is widely believed that it comes from somewhere above, as a gift, and does not obey the will of man. But we, artists, know that this is not the case. I share with you tips on how to summon the muse when you take up to another masterpiece.

Lesson 12 «Garden of Eden»

Duration: 2 h 15 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Convey a sense of space
  • Draw shadow, light and halftone, create volume
  • Combine cool shadows and warm lighting.

Lesson 13 «Mom's Alarm Clock»

Duration: 1 h 53 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Draw a still life and work in pastel, transparent colors
  • Technique "Quick roses"
  • We practicing the formation of a circle in the perspective

Lesson 14 «Capture the Moment»

Duration: 1 h 45 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Paint a portrait of a fox in profile
  • Convey the texture of fur
  • Paint "a deep look"

Lesson 15 «In the Dolphinarium»

Duration: 1 h 13 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • See and convey warm and cold shades within one object
  • Draw a portrait of an animal from a complex angle.
  • Convey the depth and surface of the water.

Lesson 16 «Kerosene Lamp»

Duration: 2 h 19 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Draw fire
  • Convey the play of light on a metal object
  • Create textured wash

Lesson 17 «How to Preserve Paintings»

Watercolor drawings coolly convey the brightness and saturation of colors of the surrounding world. But due to their transparency and use of large amounts of water, they often lose their beauty. I share my life hacks on how to preserve a watercolor masterpiece.

Lesson 18 «Tram in the City of Childhood»

Duration: 1 h 17 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Depict a three-dimensional object in the perspective.
  • Draw glass
  • Quick greens

Lesson 19 «Commemorative Picture »

Duration: 2 h 20 min

In this lesson:

  • We draw a complex object in the perspective.
  • Delve into drawing a circle in the perspective
  • Paint a realistic texture of wood.

Lesson 20 «First Love Bouquet»

Duration: 2 h 23 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Think not about color, but about LIGHT
  • Work with light inside the painting
  • Transmitting light using watercolor

Lesson 21 «Summing Up»

We finish the course. We look at our progress. We rejoice, get a bonus!

Lesson 22 «Bonus. She, Who Grants the Wishes»

Duration: 1 h 3 min

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • Paint with light airy tones
  • Create weightless shapes.
  • Convey mirror iridescent textures
  • Create a quick and effective drawing in the style of Japanese painting.

What materials
will I need?

  • Watercolor paper A4 and A5 format (density from 250 g/m)
  • Watercolor paints (you can start with children's or pupil's watercolors)
  • Palette
  • Plain pencil (hard)
  • Kneaded eraser
  • Liner pen (better water resistant)
  • Brushes No. 5, No. 3 (we give a priority to the squirrel: round with a sharp tip)
  • Drafting ink quill
  • Drafting ink (black and brown)
  • Paper towels
  • Paper painter's tape

Course teacher

Course teacher Ivan Kryukov

  • I've been engaged in painting for more than 20 years.
  • I graduated from the University of Design in St. Petersburg.
  • I drew portraits for Russian stars: Andrey Malakhov, Lera Kudryavtseva. For Comedy Club projects, Dancing on TNT, Quest Pistols, etc.
  • I held several solo exhibitions in Moscow.
  • My works are held in private collections in the houses in Italy, France, the USA and Brazil.
  • I've been teaching since 2018.

So why do students choose to study at the Drawing Dog school?

Our online school has been operating since 2019 and already more than 30,000 students are drawing with us!


After graduation, the access to the course in many schools is closed and renewal is possible only for an additional fee.

With the Drawing Dog you can revisit the course an unlimited number of times, the course remains with you indefinitely on any tariff!


Students at individual study tariffs are often left alone with the lessons and may abandon the course. In the Drawing Dog, you can watch the analyses of other students' work and get feedback on your drawings from our Telegram community.

There are no dry formal answers on feedback tariffs. We don't respond with "Good" or "Well done" – we will always find something to praise or something that you can improve.


We appreciate our students and give bonus rubles for the purchase of new products to those who are already studying with us! For your convenience, discounts will be applied automatically when you enter your email address.

Our principles

Join us!
We have fun!

Creativity for pleasure - teaching to enjoy the process

Each lesson is explained in such a way that you can draw from scratch.

A minimum of theory on any programs. Drawing beautiful pictures right away.

We'll help you to cope with fears, lack of inspiration and perfectionism

We teach you to see the advantages of your work and easily correct mistakes.

Works of school students

Choose your participation option


  • 16 special expressive paintings.
  • 22 lessons: theory + practice + motivation
  • NEW! Machine translated subtitles: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Chinese, Indonesian
  • "Unfreezing the course" — opportunity to start training at a convenient time
  • An opportunity to watch the analysis of other participants' paintings.
  • Lifetime access to course materials
  • Bonus. Records of the marathon "Watercolor Nostalgia. How to Draw Fond Memories".
  • Bonus. Mini-course "The Basics of Sketching".
  • Bonus. "Creating Textures: Metal Gold"
  • Bonus. "Shell"


  • 16 special expressive paintings.
  • 22 lessons: theory + practice + motivation
  • NEW! Machine translated subtitles: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Chinese, Indonesian
  • "Unfreezing the course" — opportunity to start training at a convenient time
  • An opportunity to watch the analysis of other participants' paintings.
  • Lifetime access to course materials
  • Checking your work by the school teacher and answering questions in the comments within 60 days of the start of the course
  • Bonus. Records of the marathon "Watercolor Nostalgia. How to Draw Fond Memories".
  • Bonus. Mini-course "The Basics of Sketching".
  • Bonus. "Creating Textures: Metal Gold"
  • Bonus. "Shell"


  • 16 special expressive paintings.
  • 22 lessons: theory + practice + motivation
  • NEW! Machine translated subtitles: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Chinese, Indonesian
  • "Unfreezing the course" — opportunity to start training at a convenient time
  • An opportunity to watch the analysis of other participants' paintings.
  • Lifetime access to course materials
  • Checking your work by the school teacher and answering questions in the comments within 60 days of the start of the course
  • Face-to-face one-hour online consultation with a course expert
  • Bonus. Records of the marathon "Watercolor Nostalgia. How to Draw Fond Memories".
  • Bonus. Mini-course "The Basics of Sketching".
  • Bonus. "Creating Textures: Metal Gold"
  • Bonus. "Shell"

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't know how to draw at all. I always thought that I couldn't do it. No talent. Should I take the course?

Of course you should! Can we call any person's ability to read or write a talent? After all, these skills were not so easy for us in childhood. Drawing is no different from writing and reading in terms of the difficulty of mastering.

In drawing, you need to learn the "alphabet" of drawing, which requires a certain amount of time and perseverance. If you practice, then over time, drawing becomes an automatic skill, you won't even think about how you do it.

Yes, children and teenagers are very fond of drawing sketches – quick sketches. Graphic drawings are especially popular among the teenagers and students. Many people cope with learning loads with the help of drawing. Of course, if the child is very little, he will need your support.

It's never too late to learn painting. In our school, 30% of students are over 50 years old. And they are happy to draw, develop their skills, creative thinking and rejuvenate their soul and mind!

This is the most affordable creative online course! The materials depend on your goals.

  • Paper: You can start with plain office paper or a sketchbook. In the future, it is more pleasant to draw graphics on watercolor paper: it is denser.
  • Pencil. Eraser. Liner (special capillary pen, costs from 50 rubles per piece)
  • Optional: In some paintings we will use the quill and drafting ink, like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. To develop creativity and expand artistic skills and create various effects in paintings.

The course will give you a great foundation. Plus, due to the fact that you will practice a lot with the teacher, in addition to the basis, you will begin to "see" the drawing in the landscapes, objects, and people around you. And, most importantly, you will understand how to draw it. As for the quality of the works, it is important to understand that drawing, like any other skill, is developed over time. It's like cooking borscht or exercising abs – it takes practice and time.

At the end of the lesson, you'll post a photo of your work. The teacher will have an opportunity to leave textual, graphic (notes on the drawing), as well as audio comments to your work. ``

At the bottom of each lesson, there will be a comment section, where you can ask any questions about learning.

You didn't find an answer to your question?

Write to us on WhatsApp
